Transport, Forwarding and Logistics Software for You

A collection of simple and useful programs for transport, forwarding and logistics for your company!

You want more?

Tell us what do you need:

CMR electronic waybill

You enter the details of the CMR waybill

You can cooperate and exchange information with contractors via email, website and mobile

Can export and import the CMR data in the JSON

Save and print the CMR as a PDF

Responsive user interface

Built-in responsiveness

Fits any screen sizes

Works on a PC, tablet and mobile device

ZiCo - zip code search engine

Simple search place an geolocalization

You can search by country code, zip code, city name

Parameters can be given at the same time separated by spaces.

JSON response for search criteria

Bespoke software

Do you need customize behavior of the software?

We can make any program based on your specifications.

We can modify our software for your needs.

We can develop and maintain your custom software.